For thanksgiving with my family this year, we decided to have some fun and decorated some tumblers. The tumblers with straws seem to be all the rage lately, and they're easy to personalize with a little bit of vinyl. I had a couple of cups left over when all was said and done, so I decided it would be the perfect gift to give the boy's teacher for Christmas this year. He didn't want to wait until this week to give it to her, so she got it for thanksgiving instead, but the thought was/is still there. It was so much fun to watch him run up to her and give it to her.
I got the hint at the beginning of the school year that she loves teddy bears, so I figured that was a good place to start. I happened to have a cricut cartridge that had a teddy bear on it, so I picked out a few colors and went to work. An hour later, and I had a finished gift! I used outdoor vinyl because it stands up to abuse better. The cup can be washed and the vinyl won't come off. I've heard that it will survive the dishwasher, but it isn't recommended.

I used the "Create A Critter" cartridge for the teddy bear, and then fired up my sure cuts a lot program (which isn't available anymore, and is the reason I now have a Silhouette Cameo) and picked out a font that I liked and cut it out. Layers can be kinda tricky because the vinyl really likes to stick to itself, but working slowly and trying not to do layers that are too big make it a little easier.

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